What are the effects of brain injury?

The brain is responsible for our every thought, feeling and action, and as such, the effects of brain injury can be many and varied – depending on the type, location and extent of the injury.

Many of the effects of brain injury are ‘hidden’ i.e., they cannot be seen and are, therefore, not easily recognised or understood by others. For these reasons, brain injury is often called a ‘hidden disability’.

The effects of brain injury can further impact relationships, employment, and practical skills such as driving or activities of daily living (washing, dressing, preparing a meal etc).

No two experiences of brain injury are the same; however, some effects of brain injury are more common than others, such as memory problems and fatigue. Separate pages of our website are available to provide detailed information on some of the more common effects of brain injury.

Living with the effects of brain injury can cause many people to feel like they are ‘living life in the slow lane’ and this can be upsetting or difficult to adjust to. Quality of life or sense of identity can be affected, and many people report feeling like a different person after their injury.

The effects of brain injury can sometimes improve over time, especially with rehabilitation and access to appropriate support. However, some effects may be lifelong and require adjustments or equipment to cope.

Looking for more information?

Visit our parent site Headway UK, for more detailed information on the different types of brain injuries and how it can effect people’s lives, or take a look at our fact sheets here.